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Posts posted by Minime46

  1. Was my favourite day out shooting so far, I really appreciate all of the tips you gave.


    Shooting with someone with experience is invaluable. I hope you didn't mind all of the different questions I kept firing at you. :-)


    Your golden lab is such a nice dog and tries really hard, you are doing a great job training him.


    I look forward to another days shooting with you in the near future :-) (maybe hit the 100 mark)!!

  2. Hi all


    Still very new but loving my new hobbie. I went out today on a field with a really good flight path. I moved to the flight path yesterday and shot 5 in 40 minutes before having to go home. Went there today and got 30! My first (what I would call) big bag! It was on a previously drilled field... but not freshly drilled as the farmer failed to inform me when he drilled. (Father in-laws, grrrr!!!)


    My question is do any of you NOT use a hide. I had used a hide and decoys and shot only 2. I then just moved up field closer to the flight line and sat in the dyke within the reeds with a mask on. I put out a few dead pigeons as decoys and sure enough they started coming in. This was no magnet, no flapper, no hide. Just me with my gun sat in the reeds. Seemed to work better....


    Your views and thoughts please? Do flight paths change depending on time of the day and wind direction etc?




    Best thing to do with a priest is to leave it at home !

    I will show you how to dispatch them properly when we go out together.

    understood. Shouldnt be long till he is drilling the barley. Will txt u as soon as. He said he thinks he will start next week (weather depennding) :-)
  4. I got a brass priest as well, what is the best way to use it. How to hold the Pigeon? If u hit it too hard can it's head fall off? I don't want to cause any unnecessary pain. Used it today... held it under my arm and hit it to the back of the head.. but it appeared to still be alive so I gave it another 2 hits... not sure if it was just nervs or not? Any advice please?

  5. Well I went out with my binoculars, studied some flight paths and then went out for a few hours... shot 10 pigeons. That's my best so far. Used about 20 cartridges. Missed a few... but also managed to get 2 in 2 shots for the first time. I did that twice.


    My magnet hadn't arrived so was only using flocked decoys. I did put a floater/bouncer out but it seemed to scare them off... so took it down and then they began to come in to land.


    Perfect :-)

  6. Turns out me and fenboy are about 5 houses from eachother!! Ha small world! We have arranged a meet up so fingers crossed he can see where I'm going wrong.


    Iv gone out again today but it's dead so packing up. They have stopped coming to the drilled fields now. Looks like back onto rape for me...


    Thanks for all the help, going to invest in a magnet as well... esp as the rape is getting high now.

  7. You need to limit your range to what ever range you can usually manage to hit the target , for most that is 40 yards for the better shots 50 or so.

    Put your furthest decoys 35 yards out and you will know anything around that area should be well shootable .


    A bit of blood on the decoys will make no difference , you have not said what crop you were shooting on but your decoys need to be visible and sometimes need moving around to get the birds coming in as you want them .


    Have a look at the pinned topic in this section for some ideas of decoy patterns.

    I have rape fields, drilled barley, and I was on a freshly drilled beans field.


    I'm going out now. Should I open the decoys wings up when placed on the ground?


    And thanks for your answer, I will try that!

  8. Hi all. Iv been watching this forum for a long time but this is my first post.


    I had my first 'busy' shoot today. About 24 shots, and 4 hits.


    My problem is.... I keep trying to shoot them when they are too high or too far out. Do u all just sit and wait...? It frustrates me if I see they are not flying into my pattern so I just chance it and take a shot instead of watch them fly off... needless to say they just fly off anyway!


    I had 2 pigeons land in my decoy pattern. And a good number come close. But then a good number didn't come low they just circle and away they go.... my flapper is out of order, so just have flocked decoys on wobblers.


    Also putting out the dead pigeons... should I open their wings and lie them down??? Does a little bit of blood on the dead pigeon put the pigeons off?


    Hope people can help. Sorry I am very new. Just wanting tips :-)


    Thanks in advance

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