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Posts posted by Spewy

  1. I have a .243 and I put a bushnell legend hd 4-14-44 was on my air rifle

    Looking st a scope under £600 noticed recommended for .243 searches are e.g. 3-12x56 will I be wasting money as the bushnell is a great scope or will I notice a huge difference on a Yukon jagear nightforce zeis terra?

  2. Hi John

    Didn't have time

    Put laser cartridge in poor result so tried the gold E and was bang on

    So took a box cartridges to try gun on some clays and great improvement so I'm very very happy now and have a gold E which I new was going to happen:)

  3. After 4 months managed to get a pesky fox

    Yes I'm not the best

    So I bought a cam and set up a bait point filmed for 2 night for nothing

    Next day decided to change position only to see the rabbits were taken grrrrr

    So about 7pm I was driving up to another field and two bright eyes appeared in the middle of the next field

    I've see a couple on this field lately but never to get a shot away

    So cam is up and a large bait

    Drove up last night at 6 hidden behind a wall

    As it got dark started to get annoyed by cows wandering about

    Then watching the bait threw nv monocular about 20 meters away a fox runs past no chance to get gun and lamp ready

    So thought he's heading for bait

    Then 10mins later I let out a couple sqeeks on caller

    Then it was like a squeak echo

    The little **** killed a bunny in the bushes

    So gave up

    Check cam tomorrow see what's on it

    Hopefully not red kites they stole my bait before

    Hats off to you guys with better field craft and toys

    Ps tried hand squeeking

    Eh not good


  4. Went to lays with my son

    I have a new silver pigeon

    Wasn't hitting much and cartridges kept sticking and would eject so back to shop to get fixed

    Used my sons gun started hitting more clays even though he still beat me I enjoyed his 28inch razzini

    Maybe just maybe I chose the wrong new gun


  5. Gun cupboard was a mess so last night decided to tidy up and it's spotless

    Decided to go to clays today

    No keys

    Yes I never separated the keys on my holder

    Hunted everywhere

    And bin man was today

    Seriously need a slap

    Grinder and new cabinet seems to be my only option

  6. Ok been shooting clays only a few times

    I always shoot gun mounted

    Now I have been practicing my gun mount most days and infront of the mirror

    When I try it at clays I was told I'm just snap shooting at target

    It's frustrating me and I'm not hitting the clays

    So is this because I'm too eager and not fluent

    I'm also mounting in house and following the cornice in the room


  7. Wednesday going with a friend to look at my first shotgun


    Was thinking if I don't look at side plate and just go on feel and fit would it be a cheaper offering?

    Or does the draw of the known brands make you feel like it's the right feel and fit because of its name?


    Just wonder what I'll end up with

  8. I'm going to make a target plate easy enough done at workshop

    Help needed and questions

    So I set up 20m from plate with sons rizzini m/c and set of chokes fire at centre with both barrels?

    Or top or bottom barrel?

    If for example he shoots and is left or right each time of target or above or below then I need to buy an adjustable butt pad?



  9. Update

    I was lucky enough to get a couple of hours at ashcombe growing yesterday with my friend and his dad coaching.had fun which is important after all it's a hobby.didnt do as well I feel as last time but think that was down to being tired.started ok poor once my brain kicked in and then I changed from a miroku to a beretta just to try and maybe it's my slim build but it felt better for me.back again next week for a couple hours and then get help on gun choice.i was getting better once I opened my body up

    Didn't help my mate seldom missed but I just concentrated on his stance and the way he held his gun and then mounted and tried to copy him and with help from his dad I had a big smile when I left the ground which is the main thing

  10. No was at a ground in Devon near Newton abbot I think

    My friend down here shoots for Scotland so took me for a go at clays and I loved it

    I'm home 17th so will be joining glenluce and get there as much as I can to practice with my son

  11. I'm going to clay ground next week with a friend who will keep me right and his dad helped me last time so I'll get the help needed buying my first shotgun for me

    After first time at clays I think I have the bug:)

  12. A friend told me to practice every night with mounting the gun till it becomes second nature

    I got my son a rizzini s/h and I use it aswell but I'm a lefty so looking for my own

    Worse think is my 14yr old daughter comes shooting with me and is now wanting to clay shoot

    Expensive year ahead me thinks

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