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Posts posted by JPR_Esq

  1. Hi mate, I also worked in window manufacturing. We have 28mm beveled bead and repair gasket for bead that didn't have the gasket already on the bead it's self. But I need to see the bead out of the window to see if I can match it for you

    Oh just re read and it's the gasket you need! Drop me a pm mate I'm sure I can help just for the postage cost if your not near sudbury Suffolk

  2. Can anyone here help? I'm selling my browning Elite Game to fund my new camera but after 3 days I've still not had my account approved. Are there any other places online I can post my advert?

  3. Range rovers are so common it makes sense that you will hear about more break downs than with less common vehicles however I have lost count the of the times I have heard people having the air suspension replaced with springs, you will portray the image of a footballers wife or drug dealer whenever you go out if you get one though, they are awesome vehicles when they are working properly (have you considered the fuel bill?)

    I except the certain image some might have of a rr driver! But what beautiful place to sit, I did take it up the shoot for an hour to see how it felt on the muddy tracks and didn't flinch.


    I reset his fuel trip thing and over the 24 hours I managed 28.7 mpg which I'd be more than happy with

    my mate has the same model..........he loves it...............BUT.................it has problems one after the other ...a very expensive nightmare...mind you he can afford it as a consultant in the oil industry at £2200/day !!


    i think the desiel v6 is a much better engine.............

    On that wage id have new one!! As for the v6 being better, it seams general consensus the thetdv8 was the better? Only slightly less mpg but much more pull and power and a bomb proof engine?

  4. Well having just had to borrow my friends RR for the past 24hrs while my truck was having its belts done I'm smitten with it.


    What wonderful beast to drive.


    Now I'm an a bit angry with myself because I'm seriously thinking I want one myself. I've heard all the horror stories of unreliability and massive bills every week as yet another part fails. Yet he has had his for 3 years and 40k miles and only ever replaced tyres pads servicing and fAulty door lock. My neighbours RR sport has been just as reliable for the three years he has had is 07 plate tdv6.


    Perhaps the two I know of are the best ones ever made?


    If I was brave/stupid enough I'd be looking around 12 grand to spend so about 2008is. .


    Opinions please chaps!

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