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  1. Duly replied to. Kind regards. Jay
  2. Hi Dave Rutland side of Leics. Kind regards Jay
  3. Thank you for the insight here, it is appreciated! Whilst reading a lot of the threads about NV, there are quite a lot of varying viewpoints, so is there anywhere that I can see the clarity - as you seem to lose clarity when recording the view seen with a camcorder etc, as they struggle to focus? Also, any comparison testing?
  4. Thank you for the direction. Kind regards Jay
  5. Haven't been called that for a long time - thank you! Thanks for the welcome!
  6. Hi I have been searching the DIY Night Vision threads (not all of them as there are quite a few to read through) - but is there a preferred std list of items that are now associated with the high def diy night vision platform that I should be looking to acquire to make myself a nigh vision device to allow me to carry out some rabbit and vermin control? Any insight would be very much appreciated! Thanks in advance for you help here. Kind regards Jay
  7. Hi Thanks for the welcome, I am in the Leicestershire area, will add it to my profile!
  8. Hello Just thought I would come by and say hello before asking some questions, as I do not wish to be rude! Will be asking some questions on Night Vision for some vermin control, so you will see me around some. Kind regards Jay
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