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  1. I sold the rifle!! € 185 To a very nice man who loved the gun. He says he probably don't refurbisch it, he likes it much how it looks now. Thank you all for being so kind and helpful!
  2. I think, but just think, that buy/sell /own/ an airgun is only legal if you have a license. The auctionsite got a complaintand maybe it was easier to delete my add than to deal with the complainers. That is a good tip, never thought of that.
  3. The memoires of a Dutch hunter that just bought my beautiful gun: Hey wifey, I just shot some coca cola cans, maybe there are some drops left in it to complete our lovely dinner. And after that we cuddle some soft furry rats before they go on destroying our dikes that protect our country from the water. Europe says we are not allowed to kill the sweet creatures. And after we had our pudding I am going to shoot some empty bottles with my classic B.S.A Airsporter MK2 .22 cal , build 1967/1968, it is such fun.
  4. I am in the Netherlands and shipping it to UK doesn't look like an option. I'm not even sure anymore if with the Dutch rules I'm allowed to ship it or they take it from me to destroy. I searched for postage rates to UK. I couldn't find anything cheaper than 50GBP. It has to do with the length of the box. Max length is 80 or 100 cm and I need 120cm An averagde box with 8kilo I can sent 14 GBP, but not this one.
  5. Hello friends, here an update from me. I still didn’t sell the gun. I put it up for sale on a Dutch auction site. My item was popular and within 5 minutes I had a lot of offers, the highest 160 EURO. Than I got an angry mail from the auction site, where I am a 12 years member, warning me to never again put up illegal stuff for sale… and they deleted my add. Than I put it to rest for a while. I had messages from you guys how to sell in Germany, thank you for that. Maybe I will try it since I live only one hour driving from the border, so I can post it there. But first I want to try to sell it here ( Netherlands) because the gun was hot. :-P I searched for the biggest air gun forum, and than pfff they are not as welcoming as you. While I have no interest in hunting, I have to post 5 messages, that need approval of an admin, and not included this is me or general chat… before I am allowed to post a topic on my own. Further you are not allowed to talk about shooting or wanting to shoot furry creatures, not even rats. I don’t understand why they call themselves hunters, it looks they hunt for static empty beer cans. I am still waiting for approval for my first post. And waiting. And waiting.
  6. If only the I was a U in your name Thank you all for the very helpful comments and for making a quest with “stupid” questions feel welcome in your forum. I will keep you updated.
  7. I have no intention to refurbish something I know nothing about. Just give it a good clean (I'm a woman ;-) ) because of dirty stcky finger spots and heavy smokesomething on it. :-) But i don't want to do it wrong so I do damages.
  8. It is not my intention to fool anyone. Just want to show a little respect to potential buyers to hand them a non-sticky gun because it is very dirty. If the wood was Original white it would have this color now too. :-) Maybe my English isn't good enough and I should not have used the word "trick". Where can I look to find the serial number?
  9. Are there tricks to make it look nice again? The owner was a heavy smoker and not that neat. Can anyone give an estimate of the worth of this one?
  10. I know nothing about guns. Made some more pictures for the cleaning question. I was afraid to blow up this topic if I post them. But I give it a try :-) If they are not good I can make a new pic.
  11. Thank you both. So I should subscribe it as B.S.A. Meteor .22 ?
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