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Everything posted by Strideruk

  1. after talking to the firearms department they advised me if the gp doesn't send the letter my application can not proceed and not be issued . They advised me to change GP there for i rang another GP in the area explained the situation they said it could be because they don't do private work and that they do so it looks like i could be asking for an extension on my application switching to this other gp and hoping to get it sorted they even gave me the cost of £48 .
  2. Im happy to pay for the letter there is no objection on my part the receptionist is saying the GP wont do it
  3. thanks will have a look in to this today Will ring the firearms office for there advice later > nothing declared no medical conditions on my application i was more worried about a speeding fine from 10 years ago . Didn't expect the GP to be a problem Thanks
  4. Hi so im at the stage in my application where its with the fire arms officer. Received an email stating We have already made contact with your GP to request this report. Following receipt of this email, you have 28 days to ensure Firearms Licensing receives the report or provide sufficient evidence in the form of an invoice/receipt. So i chased up the GP to be told they have the letter but the GP is not obliged to fill in the request as i haven't met the new GP (old GP left the practice) . so i contacted the FLD who sent me If your GP is unsure they are more than welcome to email/ring us to discuss. We are not looking for a professional opinion on whether you are suitable or not but only FACTUAL medical details. This can be gained by any General Practitioner who has access to your medical records. after passing this on to the GP practice the receptionist explained to me the gp still might not play ball something along the lines its not in his contractual duties . Im going to ring the fire arms office just was wondering if any 1 has had this sort of thing and what could possibly happen with my application . Im hoping im not going to be penalised for not being a frequent visitor to the gp practice .
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