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Everything posted by Tarn

  1. Now were getting somewhere, I didn't know what the regs are. I farm sheep, so have to control fox numbers. Basically, I don't want 'too much gun', but it must be adequate for the task in hand. Excluding the deer then, would a .25 be up to the job, and what ftlbs would you all suggest ? My mate uses a ' proper' .22 rifle with supersonics. He thought he was missing his shots at rabbits whilst my standard BSA Meteor and Bisley Magnums brings them down. Then we found that his shots went straight through, allowing them to creep away and die later. Hence the question of 'velocity or impact'. I suppose it's like saying what hurts most, a pin at 1000ft/sec, or a 10 ton lorry at 10 ft/sec ( not that I'd fancy trying either ). I accept that I don't know all the technical answers, thats why I'm asking.
  2. O.K., I'll try to answer thus; How Effective ?, Well, back in the early 1800s, when the Austrians were at war with the Germans, they had snipers using them. If the Germans caught them they would string them up on the nearest tree because they considered it to be " An unsporting way to wage war " But I don't want anything quite of that caliber ! Why not a 'real' firearm ? 'cos I don't want one. Don't want a shotgun - too messy. And re the license, what use would they be to a thief if they could not easily obtain ammo, and I would have less hassle storing said ammo because it contains no explosives. On the cost issue, that's why I'm shopping around, might be cheaper to have one custom made. What do I want it for ? Foxes, Deer, and smaller. That's why I was not going for max velocity, don't need to hit anything in the next parish, but want good impact up to say 80 yds. Anyway, I am allowed to have a preferance, am I not ??
  3. Well, I'm no airgun buff, can't list every make and model ever, can't quote reams of specs, I just like to shoot, and quite often don't miss, but I understand that Stalker, for example, offer the Puma in these cals;- .308 .357 .45 .472 and .5 and I'm sure they are not the only outfit that does. So, my question once again is ;- What is the best .3 ( 7.62 ), Why, and who does the ammo.
  4. Hi All, I want a FAC, PCP, bolt action, single shot rifle of .3/7.63 cal., with 40ftlbs. What do you recommend ? Why ? Where do you get ammo ? ( My local gunsmith says there's no such thing ! )
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