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Posts posted by Boybrit

  1. 9 hours ago, loriusgarrulus said:

    We had luxury. A coal fire in the kitchen range and in the frontroom. Still singlepane of glass metal frames. We didn't run out of coal as Dad worked for the pit and got a coal allowance. We got washed at the kitchen sink and dressed in the kitchen as the bedrooms were freezing.

    If you told the youngsters that today they would not believe you, ha ha. Monty rules.

  2. Have winter tyres as a minimum then the plonker will drive into your ***** as they cant stop and insurance pays? Sad but stupid about those young kids dying because they had not seen a cold winter in their life before.

  3. People earn £100 per day minimum these days so a mid winter cost of £15 of that seems fair to me, free lunches went out of fashion a long time ago. Amazing winter tyres never are an issue then the expensive SUV ends up in a ditch and its all moan moan then.

  4. 1 hour ago, Scully said:

    They may well be right, I wouldn’t know, but we didn’t have all the uncertainty that Brexit caused, a two year pandemic to pay for and a war on our doorstep either. 🤷‍♂️

    Are you now part blaming Brexit for all this uncertainty? Bit of a turnaround there.

  5. The American sergeant who did most of the hangings in Landsberg prison ner Munich had bluffed his way into the job claiming some past US experience, he botched many of them. They finally sent him back to the USA where he was posted onto a pacific island and died by electrocution in an accident around 1950.

  6. 7 hours ago, Newbie to this said:

    One girl 13 is in hospital wounded the other girl 14 died in hospital soon after the attack when they were on their way walking to school, three Somali suspects ran into a nearby asylum facility where they were then arrested, one still had a knife on his person, I have not heard if this was the weapon used. This has happened rather often mainly rapes that went wrong since mutties "wir schaffen das" statement when she allowed 1.5 million asylum seekers into Germany in 2015.                                        Make your own mind up to the sense of mixing cultures up like this.

  7. Ho hum, all this splitting up of society into racial groups gets right on my boobys, we all came from somewhere and its our civil duty to get along with each other today and not keep raking up old mistakes made by our predecessors, then again why have we had womans hour on the beeb since when I was a child but never have we had a mans hour to fit into the BBC's balanced broadcasting mandate?

  8. On 25/11/2022 at 22:33, armsid said:

    When i left school at 16 i started as an apprentice at Morris Engines in Coventry went to college day release and 1 evening got my City and Guilds as engineer worked at Jaguar on Maintenance During this time many firms closed we had joined the Common Market engineering colleges in Coventry closed down and lots of school leavers from a city built on manufacturing had no jobs and all the Gov said go into higher education earn £30k plus after you qualify so the higher degree colleges churned out graduates for these high wage jobs and house prices went up as those people that worked in factories sold up and moved to where the work was These vacant houses were let to the student explosion in Coventry and they have not fallen meaning 2 wages and in some cases topped up with UC is the only way they can live and afford a house oh for the old days 2x your wage would buy a house not any more

    Was that up the factory on the Stoney Stanton Road? I was in living in Hillfields did my time at the Humber/Rootes/Chrysler mess and ended up at the Whitley tech centre. Went to Canada when I was 21 came back later and all the companies were dying so I ended up contracting around the world with the skills that Cov had given me. So sad to see Cov today, its all shopping centres with no soul.

  9. I wonder why but all property near London is so unaffordable they will commute now over an hour by train. The properties in Dover are still held at 200K for a terraced 2-3 bed with a short walk to the station and only a 1 hour fast train into London, but we are not seeing DLTs here even though they have invaded Deal/Walmer big time. The Londoners could turn this s h  ithole around if they came here in their droves. (hope that has not broken the unwritten law).

  10. I have given up caring, it is now what it is and the UK will sink or swim according to many uncontrollable factors that we have not yet seen, we stopped being able to dictate to more than half the world when they all gained independence up till the 1960s and now this island is a small world player with little manufacturing and even less agri land being available by the week and too much uncontrolled immigration by benefit chancers. It don't look too good for the UK for the future with or without the EU IMO. My apprenticeship from 1965-1970 was at the end of the golden age looking back now.

  11. DM headline news item today.

    An illegal Albanian migrant (left) deported after paying £3,500 to be smuggled into the UK by small boat has urged others not to follow in his footsteps. The man - who is only known as Artan - said he had paid criminals to get across the Channel (right) after borrowing the cash from friends and family. Artan, who describes himself as an 'economic migrant', described the journey (lower inset) as 'torture' and 'incredibly scary'.

    Ah didums, do I care? Serves him right.

  12. At the rear of Dover I am informed they are building a planned total of 6,000 houses Canterbury going a similar way almost no flats in the mix just eating up agri land. The prices I am seeing asked are for executive level incomes whatever that means today as there is no industry down here apart from guarding rubber dinghy storage lots, tradesmen need not apply.

  13. 5 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    One of the organisers/ring leaders is one Roger Hallam.  If you Google him, he has (from a long history of protest, activism, and civil disobedience) been jailed several times, and is I think currently in jail.  He has disrupted many many peoples lives, cost the taxpayer fortunes, and clearly intends to continue doing so. 

    Hence something long term needs to be arranged to prevent him (and his ilk) further disrupting the vast majority of decent ordinary people trying to carry on with their lives.


  14. On 03/11/2022 at 17:33, manthing said:

    Its an idiotic pipe dream, there won't be the jobs or opportunities for everyone to spend there entire lives with a 15 minute walk of home. It only happens in the stupid soaps, stenders, corri and emmerdale and look at the trouble they have, 3 of the highest crime rate areas in the uk if they were real, never mind brokey. 

    Was only saying to Ladything the other day how totally beyond belief it would be to have so many residents living working and socialising in the same small area.

    And if anyone came to my door to force me to move or my own good, they'll be on their way with various boo boos and oucheys. 🤣

    Where is that sharia law area?

  15. On 06/11/2022 at 19:31, Minky said:

    ☺☺😊😃 I had to read that several times like a legal document.  Try putting some punctuation in it.  I think that place must be worth at least one star.  some of these cooks competions make me laugh when the chef proudly states "yes, I am the head chef at the ROYAL dog and duck".....  OK, so we'd like you to cook us an omelette.  To this the chef replies...  OH  I'm  sorry I can't  do that one. !!!  😊😊😊😊  you'll  have to get the correct  cartridges sorted out for you knee. 😁😂😃.  Happy retirement. 

    Edit..  that place sounds about the same as the place in the tv advert where the customer queries the bill and is told that the first chip is £3.50 and each subsequent chip is a pound.  😂😃😆

    You'll  have to get the correct  cartridges sorted out for your knee.

    Is that the IRA medical centre method?

  16. 3 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    We have had multiple 'deals' with the French, on how to curtail the migrant flow, it usually involves hundreds of millions of pounds, and much French laughter.

    The only way to solve the issue , is to make the UK less attractive to illegal migrants.
    This could be achieved in various ways , and without gunboats and snipers on the white cliffs.

    I just dont think there is the will within government to stop them, there is much 'talk' with schemes like Rwanda ect , but there was never any will to carry it out , if there was , they would have just done it , and fought the legal battles later.
    The fact that legal battles are ongoing on whether we are ALLOWED to do it , remains testament to the apathy within.

    The BBC article I posted a few days ago , about the Albanians being literally bussed in , and their traffiking fares paid by criminal gangs, shows just how easy , and blatant it is to claim asylum , even from safe countries 'Just say you have debts, and other problems' and all this so they can feed their criminal enterprises with foot soldiers.
    Questions need to be asked why these people can live in France for many months, while waiting for passage across the Channel.
    It would appear the French authorities are least concerned about tens of thousands of illegal aliens on their soil, as long as their ultimate destination is not within France.
    There also needs to be a discussion on how they are crossing multiple EU borders without any visa , or often with no documentation at all.
    I cant travel to an EU country without ID , how do they do it ?

    It would take brave moves to combat this , moves that will make the wokery scream in anguish for the inhumanity, but something needs to be done.
    When we are giving every household in the country money to heat our homes this winter , as some simply cant afford to , how can we afford to house an extra 1000 refugees coming every day, when we cant house those who are already here ?
    The country is full, people are skint, the NHS is failing, and schools are having to make do with limited budgets, but we are fine to spend £7 million a day on hotels for migrants , not to mention the ridiculous cost of administering detention centres, and other housing set aside for those who fancy a life here ?
    Genuine refugees , yes , economic migrants, need to be made aware they wont be tolerated without going through proper channels.
    And if that means looking like we are a cruel nation, so be it , we can join the ranks of Oz, NZ and Israel to name a few.


    I cant travel to an EU country without ID , how do they do it ?

    They use their passport ID to get into the soft EU border then the Shengen agreement lets them bus across a borderless Europe to Dunkirk where they either burn it or get a mule to carry it into the UK for later use.

  17. The Brexit mularky is a classic divorce scenario, the combatants will no longer see each other in the same light as they had previously.

    17 hours ago, Mungler said:

    You are joking right?

    The Ukraine war with Russia has shown how little support Germany will lend when it doesn’t suit domestic interests, despite purportedly mandated EU direction.

    We’ve had our eyes opened to the importance of energy, military and food independence- let’s hope our moronic leaders are paying attention though.


    Super smart Putin threatens Germany that if they supply war materials he will cut off the gas, which he did. Now the two main pipelines are full of saltwater after the explosions and are effectively destroyed so there is no bargaining chips left there. There is training ongoing in Germany for Ukrainian military personnel.

  18. 11 hours ago, Mungler said:

    You are joking right?

    The Ukraine war with Russia has shown how little support Germany will lend when it doesn’t suit domestic interests, despite purportedly mandated EU direction.

    We’ve had our eyes opened to the importance of energy, military and food independence- let’s hope our moronic leaders are paying attention though.


    Super smart Putin threatens Germany that if they supply war materials he will cut off the gas, which he did. Now the two main pipelines are full of saltwater after the explosions and are effectively destroyed so there is no bargaining chips left there. There is training ongoing in Germany for Ukrainian military personnel.

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