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Posts posted by Mrmjspice

  1. So I've been researching all last week about hush powers and I think I've made my mind up....


    I currently have a .410 pedretti and it extremely quiet with subsonics but lacks the punch past 25 yards max so I'm looking at a 20g Mossberg. Before I buy it just wanted a few last opinions.


    I've read people saying it's a special cartridge so best to reload to get the most out it. Does anyone care to share their recipe with me? I've got a Lee in my basket ready to order already....


    Is there any shells aff the shelf you would recommend to get me going? Will mostly be used for rabbits at night. (I have permission I've shot for a while with air rifle and 22lr etc and am looking to have a bit of fun and challenge my self (have a set of NVG's so will be using the shotgun with those and might try a lamp just to mix things up)) will also be used for feather round the stables and paddocks so noise is factor.


    And the final question with I've read a few answers to and some seem to contradict others.... how much louder is than the .410?

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