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Jon Le Pad

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  1. Not worth going, they will tell you absolutely nothing as they did last year. Total waste of time having a stand, should not be allowed and made to clear the backlog first. Going to the show is like going into a sweet shop with no money.
  2. That's very encouraging perhaps a light at the end of the tunnel at last as applied beginning of Nov 23
  3. More hope of better training and quicker response times for renewals & new grants Jan/Feb BASC magazine
  4. https://www.cambs.police.uk/foi-ai/cambridgeshire-police/foi/2024/november/firearms-licence-applications-and-renewals/
  5. Great news to hear Bozork and a positive response from Lincs Firearms team. Shows how the job can be done in a very timely manner and puts the rest to shame. Hopefully you will get License in a matter of days and be able to go shopping soon Good luck
  6. PCC elections and firearms licensing We need your help to write to Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) on firearms licensing in advance of the PCC elections on 2 May. This page allows you to identify your candidates and email them with a letter on improving the efficiency of firearms licensing. Please ensure that any replies that you receive are forwarded to politics@basc.org.uk. https://basc.org.uk/pcc-contact-page/#select
  7. Yes very disheartening but always hope things will improve. I wote to the police commissioner and they have replied that new funding is in place to help with backlog and improve training & waiting times. The more people write tha more they will realise the syatem needs changing. If we sit back and do nothing then nothing will ever improve. This I expect will take time but in all honesty the system is not fit for purpose. On another note I see moderators will be removed from licensing over the coming months but not confirmed just yet. We can always hope that things will get better🤞
  8. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but just spoke with a chap at Cambridge gun club who has been waiting for 18 months. I applied in Nov 23 so now prepared for a long wait. Went to Gun show earlier this month and spoke with Beds, Herts, Cambs stand and a total waste of time. A waste of taxpayers money having a stand as no point and no information on anything. I would rather pay 3 times the cost and have a decent service with 3 month turn around time max. The system is not fit for purpose and requires a total overhall. Shooting UK advises to write to local Police commissioner to complain otherwise nothing will happen to move forward. Good luck all.
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