For any newbie reloaders wondering about how to arrive at an optimal load for a given cartridge some observance of Aister's post will show how much can be gained (or lost-sometimes) by .5 grains of powder in a given load. He has come across a node with the 35grain load that puts the bullet at the end of the barrel while the shock wave is at or near the chamber area. One could go further and load 3 at 34.7,35.3,35.5 and see where the lower/ upper wall is located on this harmonic. The value then is to load in the exact center of it, the obvious advantage is not needing to weigh every charge knowing that all loads will perform exactly the same, as they are all in the vibrational or harmonic node.
There are nodes up above and below this one as well, as loaders we usually seek the most accurate and safest load for our purpose, if paper punching a cooler node may be desired---for hunting perhaps the fastest node that is still within working pressures.