Hi all,
I am wondering how many members on here have insurnace for their Guns?
We are all aware of the Liability Insurance that is offered with our various memberships of the likes of CPSA, NGO, BASC etc.
But how many of you actually have cover for your own Guns in terms of Accidental Damage to them, Theft and Loss?
ie theft, damage in the field, barrel blow outs, damaged stock etc...
Would you be interested in such a policy for your guns?
Some home insurers will cover my Guns but this is only while they are in the home and would not cover accidental damage etc while out in the field etc. or theft from your car/vehicle.
Also what about cover for your own private collections, say that old blunderbuss or black powder gun that you get out once in a while?
Welcome everyones thoughts.
Many thanks,