I am working on my 1986 Diesel Case IH 685 and have sorted most jobs apart from the starting, just now it will only fire up with cold start...
I have fitted new filters and a new heater plug on the inlet manifold and wired it to a new relay and switch and it works fine, the problem being its not getting Diesel in a hurry. The Diesel comes from a tee off the return line from the injectors which also returns to tank and the top of the injector pump. The idea is the plug heats opens a port and diesel is ignited assisting cold starting....
If i crack the compression union to the feed on the heater plug on cranking no Diesel is there unless the engine is running, i have replaced the return lines between the injectors and checked all fittings for tightness as it looks like the diesel is perhaps falling back down the line so is not there when starting. Now i was expecting to find a lift pump between tank and filters/ injector pump to look at next but so far have not, perhaps i have not looked hard enough??? could it be in the tank (i thought they ran off a crank arm)
any ideas welcome