Some thing has been puzzling me for some time about a story in our local paper some time ago & I have been unable to get my head around this one . According to our paper a well know Italian foot ball player from the 80 s or 90 s was up here with a party of his country men shooting wild fowl ok thats normal but this Italian foot ball star is said to be a practising Buddhist ok so what ! but hang on a minute do they not believe in reincarnation ? & your soul could come back as say perhaps a goose ? or even a greylag goose ? or even a duck or what ever ?.
If that is what they believe then if you are out wild fowling you might just be blasting your long departed grannie out of the air ! or even your departed dad ! . Seems a bit strange ! the foot ball stars name was Roberto Badgeo not sure about the surname spelling ? can any religious scholars shed some light on this ? I think the Japanese shoot pheasants in Japan but I am not sure ?.
Sorry this post is a bit odd . Regards Pole Star