Well the GF has a 2010 Jimny and last week thought the dog had drank milk from carton when was in the boot and a small bit had spilt, told her to make sure any milk spilt was cleaned up as there is no getting rid of it once it turns and from experience once had to re-carpet a discovery 3 for same reason
so on Sunday i was valeting the Jimny as it was scruffy, and noticed the smell, lift the seats and find a one week old sweaty pool of milk well on the turn and an almost cottage cheese in the jack well area
so spent few hours cleaning out but didn't have the time or any biotex etc to kill the enzymes that make the smell, its 1000% better but still noticeable
so looks like this weekend its full carpet out, biotexed along with rear seat foam and fabric even though i had jetwashed them
now under the rear seat on inside is what looks like a heat shield sticker stuck to chassis but i think this might have soaked alot of the milk.
so PW has anyone know if this can be purchased and how best to remove (heat gun etc and poss tank off ?)
finally anyone bought a jimny carpet set and rough price before i hunt about