Hi all
first posting in sometime; I just got myself a used TX200HC that's about 4 years old. By the looks of it and from what I've been told it's had around 1000 shots through it. I bought this over the 97K simply because I've read that the TX200 needs very little tuning so i imagine by now my TX should be well worn in however putting it over the Crony I'm getting a little over 10.2 ft lb. Maybe because up until now I've been shooting PCP's (BSA Ultra's R10's and HW100) the TX200 feels a bit odd - not bad understand me, just different from the other's. Its great fun and as you all probably know you have to approach your shots in a slightly different manner - well I do anyway! OK lost my thread here, back to my question, I've had my Ultra Reg'd by Simon "Tench" Howarth a couple of years back to achieve consistency in the shots which is now fantastic, but what I'd like to know is what tuning can be done on the TX200 and if so who is the man for the job?