After a recent post on PW cut up by the mods I could not help but wonder what would happen & what the out come would be if some one sold a bird of prey to the first wannabe falconer with the dosh with out making absolutely sure the buyer had first hand experience in handling a potentially dangerous bird ?. Just claiming it was the buys own fault might not stand up in court ? assuming the buyer had a serious mishap or even worse ?.
I have dabbled in falconry for a good part of my life here & abroad & I well aware of the things that can go wrong so before any of the Goons dismiss me as a trouble maker this is a serious debate even for the mods ! ? because on the recent post cut I did note see any warnings or disclaimers by Pigeon Watch .
Lots of questions need answering so I throw the debate open to you & the mods
With due respect Pole Star