hiya all just looking for anyone who has experience with the umarex colt saa in pellet version, the pistol is new and ive been feeding it jsb exact as my pro sport loves them, anyways this colt is squirting them all over the place, i get its not a target pistol etc but ive the feeling that maybe the pellet is getting deformed on the skirt slightly as it goes from the inserted bullet case into the breach / barrel ? anyways just wondering if anyone has any pointers regarding what type of pellet might give me better results ? im reasoning i might try lead bb's as they have no skirt to deform but is that ok in the rifled pellet version ? again im quite happy to manage my expectations regarding full on accuracy but a fair number of youtube vids are showing the pellet version grouping less than an inch at 6 yards, be great to get a few pointers if anyone's got experience with these things