Hello everyone! I am looking to construct a 2 single tyre chalk track 300 meters across a field. Dimensions: 2750mm wide road, 900mm tyre tracks and a central 900mm grass verge. 300 mm deep with 200 mm hardcore on-top of a geotextile membrane and 100mm chalk or limestone consolidated in layers on top. I am looking at digging the full width trench and setting aside some soil to refill the central verge. The ground conditions currently in the field is a chalk sub-base with clay and flint deposits.
My questions are;
1. Do I run the geotextile the full width of the trench, including central verge?
2. Do I fill the central verge with hardcore too, with soil / grass on-top?
3. How far do I need to take the hardcore sub-base beyond the outsides of the visible top chalk surface to avoid the track being pushed out horizontally?
Any advise would be greatly appreciated,
Many Thanks, Topher