Not sure what forum to post this in so thought here would do for now. I uses glasses for clays but not for field shooting which is daft really. Anyway, If anybody wants quality but affordable eye protection you could do a lot worse than these:
The 'Revision Sawfly Ballistic Glasses' are now appearing on evilBay as unused surplus for about £25, I think they retail new at £65. 3 different lenses clear, yellow and dark and very very tough hitting all the required safety standards. They have been instrumental in reducing blast injuries leading to sight loss in Afghanistan and are issued to all UK, Danish and most US troops. The manufacturers reckon they'll defeat a shotgun blast at 5m! See you tube for the test.
I hope I'm not breaching a PW selling policy but just thought some of you PW fellas might appreciate knowing about this product. Due to redundancies I suspect that a fair few sets will be appearing on popular auction sites in the near future.