I have this morning been blessed with a season permit from Lindisfarne Wildfowlers (Many thanks, Mr Ashcroft!) and now keen to get out into the wintery mud for a bit of armed birdwatching.
I am currently collecting all the gear (shiny new waders, newly cleaned SX3 etc.) and now would appreciate someone more knowledgeable to give me the idea.
I told the wife that the gear will pay for itself because I'll be putting a goose on the table at least every month. :-@
Wildfowling experience limited to one flight, mostly rough shooting in the past including what I later realised was poaching with my grandfather as a kid (35 odd years ago).
Anyone more experienced than me interested in letting me tag along some time in November? The breakfast pies/evening drinks will be on me to any kind soul willing to show me the ropes.