Just wondering if anyone has experienced this before.
I have a Beretta Perennia 3 Over and Under that just recently has started to score a mark on the bottom cartridge. A tiny straight scratch that runs from the primer to the end of the cartridge head. It does this only on the bottom barrel and only when fired. If I load a cartridge in the bottom barrel and close the action without firing there is no score mark when I open the gun. I thought my firing pin was dragging, removed both of them, the pins and the springs are both fine (this was a very nervous procedure! have never taken an O/U apart before!!) the bottom pin does not protrude and is not pitted or burred. I cleaned the holes that the pins go through (not sure of the technical term!) Does any one know what might be causing this ? The gun functions fine but don't want to wreck the pin.
Many Thanks