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well saturday seen me heading to the grouse beating we arrived at 9am to thick fog and headed out onto the hill for 930 am when we got to the first drive you could not see your hand infront of your face the guns who were paying for the day wanted to sit and see if the fog lifted at TWO PM it did lift so we set off to do three drives about 10 miles(at a very quick walking pace to get as msny drives in as possible) in total we finnished at 6pm and rather nackered headed home fed the dogs watered them the wife was watching some guff on tv so decided to head out for a lamp at 8pm i gave alan (verminator 69 )a call on the way and we agreed to meet at my shoot asap but alan had to go home and get his guns first . we set of at about 9pm wi alan shooting and me driving and lamping for a look as it was now getting dark we looked over a few fields and saw nothing then i caught a gling of eye in the next field but as it would not call we put it down to being a roe and we were going into that field later. we had look round 6 more fields of rape stubble and barley but no joy we had two fields left to look in on this side of the shoot and on driving into the first field of rape stubble i caught a set of eyes in the lamp at the bottom of the field nice orangy eyes FOX!. we were driving down the right hand side of the field and the fox was out to our left sitting about 150-200 yards away so i turned the car so that alan could get the rifle over the bonnet as soon as he got out the fox started to move up the field towards us still keeping about a 100 yards out from the car alan jumped back in as we thought it might leg it up the field and as it came level with the car it slowed to a walk .now knowing alan i new he would have the cross hair on it all the time so a qiuck shout and it stopped and whack down it went a young vixen this years cub.we collected it and drove down the track to the last field of rape stubble and on entering the field bingo another set of eyes we stopped alan got out and set up on the bonnet and i started calling but the fox would not budge form the spot alan said he could not see it but i could we tryed to get alan a better view of it but no joy .so i said to alan to stand on the front seat and shoot over the roof of the l200 i called and called but it just sat there about 200 yards out alan asked if i wanted him to drop it where it was oh hell yes whack fox two in the back a young dog cub lovely we drove round to the dack of the shoot where i had seen the first set of eyes earlyer in the evening as we drove down the stubble yet another set of eyes out to our right it looked very roe like (white ) but we drove in on it anyway and alan confirmed it was actualy a fox we moved about trying to get a good spot to shoot it from but the field is very uneven and the fox kept disapearing in dips in th field we thought it had legged it a few time but no it was still there i called again by hand and by wham caller but again no joy . it looked very settled so we decided to drive in on it and se how close we could get at about 150 yards it started moving off from us we stopped alan got out and i called just as alan was about to shoot it moved again i shouted at it and it made the very faital mistake of stopping to have a look whack 3 fox three in the boot . so a great night and a great laugh with alan thanks mate a few pictures from the grouse