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AGS PCR1 - Changing Stocks


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Hi Folks,


I have an AGS PCR1 which I really like, and have just obtained the alternative thumbhole stock for it. I've changed the stock, and this is some information for anyone else wanting to do this. The manual that comes with the rifle says not to disassemble the gun from the stock in case the safety catch which runs from one side of the gun to another is damaged.


Having said that, it is a fairly easy job, with only one hitch. To do it you need 2 allen keys, a small one to fit the ends of the safety catch, and a larger one to fit the bolt through the trigger guard.


Firstly use the small allen key to remove each side of the safety catch. They are just screwed into a small moving bar in the action. With them removed, you can now unscrew the single bolt through the trigger guard. Once that is removed, the entire action can be lifted out.


Reassemble it by putting the action in place, then firstly screw the halves of the safety catch back in, and then the trigger guard bolt. However, this is where I encountered a problem. The holes cut for the safety catch are a very neat fit, and when I tightened the trigger guard bolt to secure the action, it drew the action down such that the safety catch bolt tightened against the side of its holes and could not be operated.


I got round this by enlarging the hole slightly with a round file, and now it works beautifully. I also noticed that when I tried the action back on the original stock, if I tightened the trigger guard screw a bit too much, it jammed on that one as well. Slackening it off just slightly solved the problem, but on the new stock I had to slacken it so much that the action was loose in the stock, so the safety catch holes had to be enlarged.


I also notice that there is another hole threaded the same as the one for the trigger guard bolt at the bottom rear of the action that is not used for anything, and if a second hole was drilled in the woodwork, it could be used to make the action doubly secure.


Hopefully this information may be of use to someone in the forum.


Good hunting...

Edited by Bushmaster
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