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i am fairly new to pigeon shooting :lol: and am lucky to know a few farmers that would like me to control pigeons eating there rape B) is there anything i should know about shooting pigeons on winter rape :lol: when is the best time and how can i bring them in off their flght line.

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Hi Monkey,


Well, two, million dollar questions at the same time!


First thing, get a copy of the book "The Pigeon Shooter" by John Batley, and make sure you read it cover to cover.


To shoot a good bag of pigeons over winter rape requires very cold weather, check the long range forecast or make sure the barometer reading is for low pressure and choose a real windy day. If there are other rape fields within a five mile radius then all the fields which have been used by the birds need to be manned or flagged, or have someone driving around to keep the pigeons on the move, thats the key to it, but even then don't count your chickens!!


Don't set up close to any sitty trees or wood so as to leave a refuge area somewhere for the returning flock, which you initially disturbed when setting up, to settle into before invading your deeks!


On the day it will be six or two threes as to start early or wait a while but you will create your own flightlines by the positioning of your deeks in relation to any sitty trees, local woods or small spinneys, you will need approx 40 or 50 deeks introduce some movement to at least a third of your deeks with sticks but don't make work by trying to use a wirly machine, a couple of floaters are easier to move about!


N&S Shooting Supplies sell great flexi-sticks for plassy deeks, or Pinewood Sporting have longer versions which are better for taller rape.


If as you say you are doing pest control at several farms you will have to be on your toes for when conditions are not perfect for shooting pigeons they still need to be kept off the rape fields and that is when you will have your work cut out ( its all driving about chasing down the tractor ruts firing off the odd salvo) particularly once they become established and when on any day you are not there 10:1 the pigeons or someone else will be! !


Cheers CB :}

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