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Stock maintenance


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Sorry if this is an old question, but all the search turned up was how to stip and refurbish old stocks.


I have just bought my first new gun and want to keep it as pristine as possible. It's a Browning 525 sporter, described as having a "Glossy Oil finish". When I bought the gun, my daughter bought me some stock oil, as well as a silicone impregnated cloth marked 'for use anywhere on the gun' :yes: I know from a friend who is a french polisher, that they hate silicone anywhere near wood, as they say they have to strip it completely before they can apply polish etc.


Is it the same with gunstocks? When I clean the gun, do I just wipe it over with the cloth, and if I do, will this cause problems when applying the stock oil? (I know not to apply the stock oil too often, a/c to the sales staff) I am trying to start as I mean to go on and clean the gun after each use, before putting it away in the cabinet.


Thanks for any advice. :good:


PS sorry about the 'kepping' it clean :hmm: -sloppy typing.

Edited by Bloke
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