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Shepreth 'Winter Diabolical' HFT - Jan 22

The Shootist

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Shepreth Airgun Club are holding their 'Winter Diabolical’ HFT shoot on Sunday 22nd. January.


A 30 target / 30 peg course definitely NOT to UKAHFT Rules ! Designed to challenge even the best of shooters…


Everyone is welcome, members and visitors alike.


Were easy to find, either coming down from Cambridge / M11 turn off at Harston junction and head towards Royston. Or coming up from Royston take the Cambridge road. Shepreth is well signposted, head into the village and find the railway station. Head out of the village over the railway crossing past the station and about 400 yds it's the first farm on the left (Brook Farm)...


Drive along to the end of the dirt track to find the club. Please keep your speed below 15 mph within the farm !



Sunday 10 am latest book in for a 10:30 am start. Zeroing range is open from about 9 am to set up.


There are medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd as well as a 1st Juniors medal.


Side shoot is also being run with a prize for the winner…


Be warned… I’m putting on my ‘extra evil’ hat for laying out this course !!!




For Club Info: Click Here


Free tea and coffee… Soft drinks and hot food at excellent prices from the new catering van.


See you there...



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Just to give you an idea what were planning, plus clarify 'NOT to UKAHFT' rules as I have been asked about this point...


It's really just the course that wont be following the UKAHFT format, shooting will follow the standard rules. Course is being planned involving more reducers than usual out further than usual. A few full size kills out to 50 yrd's 'ish. Some targets will be set through obsticles at distances requiring the shooter to think about trajectory on the way to the target to ensure knocking them down. Finally there will be a few novelty targets... still standard knockdowns but out in a stream in the water... or hole drilled through the kill centre so you have to hit the kill rim... or behind a tree stump so you have to shoot thro a hole drilled in the stump ! Miss and it's a zero or be a wimp and go for the frontplate edge around the stump...


Everything will be shootable so none of the 'just shove a target behind a bush' random chance if you hit twig or target shots...


Should be really challenging and 'in theory' clearable but unlikely if anyone does ;)




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
sounds like one hell of a course but a good days shooting.

how'd it go? anyone clear it :blink:



We had a really good day and a nice turnout...


Top score was 52x60 ! and only one other made it into the 50's !


Full Results


So I think the level was about right for a diabolical course :blink:




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