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Ear Protectors


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A BIT of rough shooting..... :lol: Nothing as you need to hear when rough shooting.

Clay shooting...... a set of moulded ear plugs. :yes: If you use the muffs they hurt your ears after a while but worse is that when you mount properly you will get a clunk when the stock hits the ear piece and it puts you off. Your thinking about that clunk instead of concentrating on the target and the target only. I see many people wearing muffs and not shooting well because they are not getting the gun into the cheek because the ear muffs are in the way and they don`t want to make that clunk sound on them from raising the gun into the cheek. Causes a lot of missing over the top. :sick: I`v asked them to take them off and use those awful EAR roly- up ones for a while and they start dusting everything. How ever it`s not true with every one but definitely most. :sick: The muffs are not good in the rain either if electrical. :lol:

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