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Nikko Night Eater 6-24 x 56 with illuminated reticule,115mm sunshade and large side-wheel and mounts.Booklet and original box .Great for lowlight/night shooting.Scope has been rubbed down intentionally for aesthetic reasons. Original paintwork was satin and somewhat shiny, so has been rubbed down to eliminate bloom. As you will see in the picture, all edges have been rubbed down evenly - this is NOT wear and tear.£120 posted.No paypal.Will swap for a shotgun or any shooting gear.Dont want to put any money on the top so will swap for something that is worth around £120.Louth Lincolnshire.




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Nikko Night Eater 6-24 x 56 with illuminated reticule,115mm sunshade and large side-wheel and mounts.Booklet and original box .Great for lowlight/night shooting.Scope has been rubbed down intentionally for aesthetic reasons. Original paintwork was satin and somewhat shiny, so has been rubbed down to eliminate bloom. As you will see in the picture, all edges have been rubbed down evenly - this is NOT wear and tear.£120 posted.No paypal.Will swap for a shotgun or any shooting gear.Dont want to put any money on the top so will swap for something that is worth around £120.Louth Lincolnshire.



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