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Swap books.....


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Working Bedlington, Rogues and running dogs and fell terrier now gone.

Mike68 iv just swapped Rogues and running dogs for that very book, sorry pal.

Ill have a think about prices, but if you would like to make an offer by PM ill consider them.

Thank you Dave.

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Just to clarify, the books are

From top to bottom, left to right as follows...

1. Shotgun shooting, techniques and technology, by John Brindle. 260 pages

2.Rat hunting by Sean Frain. 143 pages

3, move mount and shoot. by John bidwell, 157 pages

4. Total airguns by Pete Wadeson, 298 pages

5. the lurcher byjon hutcheon 110 pages

6.North and north again by Plummer. 148 pages

7. the amateur poacher by Richard Jefferies, 240 pages

8. the British terrier by tony read,

9.the lurcher by Frank Sheardown. 182 pages

10. Sight hounds long dogs and lurchers by plummer. 370 pages.

11. airrifle hunting by John Darling, 159 pages

12.Understanding the working lurcher by Jackie Drakeford.172 pages.

13. of pedegree unknown by phil Drabble, 149 pages

14.ferreting by David Bezzant, 156 pages

15.rogues and running dogs by plummer, 142 pages.

16.the fell terrier by plummer, 243 pages

17.the working beddlington by john glover, 160 pages

18 the jack russel terrier by plummer, 133 pages

19, pet ferret handbook by sean Frain, 166 pages.

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