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Car Share/Lift OFFORED (£15 each way)


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Anyone interested in sharing cost of fuel from Southampton to Blackburn on Thursday November 4th? I am traveling up and leaving Southampton about 11 am. I am willing to make short detour to pick you up (and I mean short) or meet somewhere en route. (M27, M3, A34, M40, M42, M6) I have a diesel car so will ask for £15 towards fuel. 1 or 2 persons only, not your whole family, lol. Blackburn Lancashire is my destination but am willing to detour off route about 10 miles to drop you off. PM me if interested. Pigeon Watch members ONLY. No 'P' takers thanks. (I will be coming back on Friday November 5th leaving Blackburn about 11am so, if you want to share the return journey for £15 towards fuel please let me know. Previous terms stand) Oh, and one more thing - NO SMOKING in car!

Edited by nosmoking
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