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Selling nv Gear


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Due to un for-seen circumstances I am having to sell Most of my NV kit, gutted but thats life


1.recently acquired Yukon nvrs tatical gen 1 Night scope with doubler and

remote stock switch. £350 plus p+p (Rifle Not included)This would cost around £550-£600 with doubler

Paypal +4% Bank Transfer , Cheque

If paid for by cheque will post when cleared

post-16964-1289247899.jpg Sold pending usual



2. Bushnell Stealth-view digital NV spotter and carry case. Great bit of kit for the lamper or dedicated NV hunter £220 + p+p. As above payments

post-16964-1289247941.jpgPrice drop £200 for a quality digital nv with powerful ir built inWithdrawn


Just to let any potential Buyers know that I wont be able to post until the weekend (13 nov)


Thanks for looking


Edited by carld41
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Due to un for-seen circumstances I am having to sell Most of my NV kit, gutted but thats life


1.recently acquired Yukon nvrs tatical gen 1 Night scope with doubler and

remote stock switch. £350 plus p+p (Rifle Not included)

Paypal +4% Bank Transfer , Cheque

If paid for by cheque will post when cleared




2. Bushnell Stealth-view digital NV spotter and carry case. Great bit of kit for the lamper or dedicated NV hunter £220 + p+p. As above payments

post-16964-1289247941.jpgPrice drop £200 for a quality digital nv with powerful ir built in


Just to let any potential Buyers know that I wont be able to post until the weekend (13 nov)


Thanks for looking


Don't suppose you'd be Interetested in a collection of guitars & equipment as trade would you?



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Let me know the lowest you can go fella, defo interested but tight cash-flow.




Thanks for the offer but I have a few guitars and amps in the attic believe it or not belonging to my daughters.

Cash sales only mate no swaps.

thanks again


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