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picking up


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hi does any one here pick up on a big shoot, i have been ask to do some for a large shoot but i have only been in the beating line on shoots.Any one got any advice on what to expect, like do you send your dog for birds as they are shot or only at the end of the drive



thanks for any help darren

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hi mate

i pick up on a large estate where we usually shoot in to the high 300`s it can be hard work on the dogs i try and mark everything down and get the dogs out on to the runners as quick as you can you will be surprised how much ground a wounded bird can cover then a good sweep up after the drive


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Same a bruxie if you go - mark down, send on runners but you also need to be marking birds down rather than handling your dog/s onto a runner. But... if you want your dog to hunt tight don't go.


A 'keeper mate was short recently and I was picking up on an 800 bird day with one experienced dog - had nothing else in the kennel I would take to that size of day but one was well short, thankfully there were plenty of pickers up. It was really hard on the dog and even with a dog that had been shot over a lot, after that the dog was drawing on when hunting.


I love picking up, far more than beating for me, but if beating is what you are into do NOT take your dog picking up.

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