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cheap o/u


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If you are a real, genuine 'short****' I can definitely help. :P


I have just sold a gun but to get the sale had to buy his Lanber o/u non ejector. You know the lightweight one with aluminum action. Barrels spotless and choked about 1/4 & 3/4 but the stock is short - ideal for a kiddy ( about 6-8 yrs old I reckon - its about 12 1/4") It has had a 1" extension then a pad put on (note I said 'put on' not fitted) and is usable at 14 1/2" if you dont mind folk taking the mickey.


I should think it meant I took £50 less on the gun I needed to sell so if its any use email me with your best offer........................



I dont know where you are but could get friend to take it to Derby or even Brum if you can meet him in 'Town'.

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