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Bernie Garland 'Grallocher' Knife


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as above guys a hardly used grallocher knife from top knife maker bernie garland, 90x3mm blade 110mm handle made of brown box elder burl with mosaic pins. not got a picture of the actual knife (yet) but its very similar to the rightmost knife on the top row of pics here http://berniegarlandknives.com/index.php/knife-pages/6-stalking-knives.

the knife's been sharpened a couple of times but never used in earnest worth 150 quid new i'm looking for around 100 or very near offer price includes a leather sheath and RMSD





p.s. lost the data cable for my phone so i can't post a pic but if you message me your mobile number i'll send you one

Edited by Wattsy
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