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bsa ultra reg or tench


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Dont bother.

Had many over the years and all sorts of mods.

My advice is buy new and dont mess with it,if you have any problems BSA will sort it for free.

The tench and regulator is pointless £100-200 more for a few extra shots?Dont listen to the hype on small cylindered rifles.if you want more shots buy the scorpion as it wil work out way cheaper then a ultra reguated and bue printed.

7/10 when you send a BSA back it goes to john bowkett any way so in effect your getting a bue print.


As I say,unless your shooting top level FT or FAC dont bother with these hyped up things as there big money for ittle results when it comes to hunting,now ft you wouldnt even consider buying a ultra or a regulator you would go straight in for a high end already regulated rife.


If you work it out, utra £250-300,blue print £100 ish and then a tench reg £100-150,ook what you could buy with the total!!!


Think before you buy,buying ittle upgrades here and there are a waste as you wil never re coup the money and at the end you wil wish that you had just brought a rifle of the total costs (trust me)

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