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Shooting memories - The good times


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You may think this fanciful - a word I have used elsewhere today but you have heard of war diaries - the memories and reminiscences of an individuals conflict, from his perspective.

Well, I got to thinking if we have older members, they will have very different memories (whilst shooting) than the younger lads. We have Norman Mursells books for example, but how about creating a shooting record of days from members memories as a reference and a 'story book' for others to hopefully benefit from. It obviously needs some thought as to how it might be done and logged, pehaps as a specific part of this site or a seperate, linked site with the PW brand. Organisations like basc could use it to help and interest young newcomers.

The memories would need to be helpful , interesting and a record in time, (past or present) which will benefit others or make them laugh. Maybe it could also contribute to a knowledge of changing wildlife patterns in certain areas of interest, help carry out surveys etc.


Is this **ap or does anyone think it would be worth it, if could be managed within pigeon watch?

Thanks for ALL comments in advance.


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Nice idea. Used to be lots of this sort of book once and Shooting times issued a sort of 'Best of' stories from a hundred years of their mag, a few years ago. Someone started a thread here a few months ago (?) on strange things seen when out shooting, that got a few replies. Some were very funny, others just plain weird!


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