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X3 Silencers By A & M Custom Gunsmiths


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I have a couple of silencers for sale, as new but sold as a secondhand item.

This silencer has been developed in coordance with Daystate and specifically for their .25 calibre Air rifles and has now been confirmed to be sold with Daystates full backing. It is not designed to replace the Twink MkII, however it can be used with all calibres on any rifle with the correct fitment.


It has the same excellent build quality as the Twink but the difference is in the length. At the same diameter but 3" longer it allows for an extra chamber to be added for volumetric capacity and thus being more quiet down range. It will still be 1/2" UNF fitment and black anodised.



Photos shot with the compact as I'm a bit rushed for time....


Fitted to my HW100T





Size Compared to Twink MKII




Length and weight





After promising a video I finally managed to get round to doing one. Wor kid is down range with the camera positioned so you can hear, or not hear as the case may be what your quarry will experience

You can then draw your own conclusions from that.


Here you go....


http://www.youtube.com/user/festa8840#p ... oY6cn2q4Ng




The price of each unit will be £57.50 delivered RM 1st class recorded.


If anyone would like one please drop me a PM.



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