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Another New Permission.


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Hi Guys, Had a delivery to a South Lanarkshire Garden centre which is run by a farmer on his 200 acre small holding....I got talking to him about my Ferrets, as he used to keep them, he tells me he is over run by Rabbits, they are getting into the Poly tunnels,and funnily enough, the greenhouses and his chickens and geese are being pestered by a Fox or three...surprisingly he couldnt get anyone to come and shoot the rabbits and foxes for him....

...all he had was a young lad who occasionally covered the warrens with a ferret, but he has gotten older, and discovered women, and hasnt been seen for an age..:)


So....as it's literally across the road from an area I go for the driven fox shoots,I'll do some lamping there after the fox shoots..... I said I could help him out...:)


I'm also buying some of his point of lay chickens as a present for another of my farmers...:).so, all in all a great day...:)


It did surprise me tho, him telling me ,that no one had been to see him about shooting his land...which is in the middle of a very popular shooting area...weird one that..:)



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