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Decision Time..:)


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Hiya, Cant get out shooting this evening, wife and I are baby sitting a very sick Border Collie...might be needed as a driver through the night...could be a long one too....:( so, just trawling here...:)


Anyway....got a quandry, which has bugged me for a few weeks.......Here it is.....on my 17HMR, I have a 3x9x56 scope,Illuminated etc...not an expensive one,but good clear optics..does the job well....and on my .22 Rimmy, I have a 8x56 fixed mag scope...nothing fancy at all, just a scope....but a great wee scope...:)


So, as I'm using the HMR more and more, and the .22 is lying in the cabinet more and more.... (I was told this would happen)...:) which scope on which gun??? any thoughts...I do tend to go for 8x56 on the HMR....but would love to hear your own thoughts on this...:)


Any help/info, gratefully received..:)

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I like more magnification than 9X on the HMR, my scope goes up to 14 or 16X. Usually use it set on 8X for scanning but a baby bunny at 130 yards isn't very big at 8X, much better target at 16X!. So I would go for the variable on the .17 and the fixed on the .22.

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Hiya, so, I'll keep them as they are...bigger mag for greater distance..:) My thought too..:) Thanks..:)


Our dog Bonnie is throwing up, and has the runs..very tired, and lethargic..started suddenly at about 5pm...no pain or crying, just lethargic......called the vet this evening, was told to give her plenty water, and if no change tomorrow , take her into the surgery tomorrow morning.....she's 15, so probs old age...:(

Edited by Norrie
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Sorry to hear. Is she spayed? Drinking a lot?


Some bland easily digestible food can help if she's stopped vomiting, boiled rice/pasta with a little chicken/white fish. Little and often, but don't feed if she just throws it back up. If she can't keep water down then she needs to see a vet in the morning, sooner if she becomes less responsive.

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Sorry to hear. Is she spayed? Drinking a lot?


Some bland easily digestible food can help if she's stopped vomiting, boiled rice/pasta with a little chicken/white fish. Little and often, but don't feed if she just throws it back up. If she can't keep water down then she needs to see a vet in the morning, sooner if she becomes less responsive.



Yep, Dressed (hysterectomy) a couple of years ago, ...cancer in her womb....she's drinking and keeping water down,not much tho, just little sips that we feed her.... but not interested at all in solids....the wife is sleeping on the couch with the dog on a duvet on the floor beside her...I'm sitting here on sentry duty...:) The things we do for our animals...:)


If no change , I'll call the vet when they open at 1030.....see what they say, BUT got an emergency number here if we need it...the vet didnt think we would...hope not, I'm like a bleedin zombie as it is...:)

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Hiya, Yep, thats what happened...went to bed, but couldnt sleep, so went for a walk at about 5.30 round one of the farms...only for an hour or so..., just back in...Watched the Partridge for a while,...no shots at anything tho..:)


Dog is a tiny bit better and is at present having a "walk" round the back garden..:) Thanks for the thoughts ...much appreciated..:)

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