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Great day out on the Fens with Fenny


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A BIG thank-you to Fenny for inviting me out for a day on the pigeons on Wednesday. The weather was perfect, with a good strong wind and a field of wheat stubble with plenty of grain still on the ground. With a couple of dead birds on the rotary and 20 half-shell flocked deeks on spring sticks, I was set up and with no need for a hide since I was standing at the bottom of a drainage ditch about 7-foot deep running along the edge of the field. The birds can straight in from the word go. It was clear that Fenny had chosen a great spot to set-up since the flight lines were strong and often I was taken by surprise with low flying birds coming from behind me into the pattern. I wished my shooting (accuracy) had been a little better, but I packed up at 4pm (running out of cartridges...note to self: take more cartridges next time in the boot of the car) with 30 pigeons and 1 crow. Very enjoyable day with some very challenging shots because of the strong wind and the low and fast incoming birds. Many thanks Shaun. :good:





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