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Pat with broken leg

Big Dog

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Guy my Pat/Parson cross got run over with a car this morning when my wife was letting the bantams out. The dog, Nell, picked up the scent of a fox and set of on it across the road. She has serveral fractors to her front left leg and will need a steel plate put in it to get the bone to knit properly.


Have any of you ever had anything like this and did it heal back to full strength. My worry is Nell is very athletic and will half kill herself when on a hot scent. She is such a lovely friendly fun dog and is as much my best friend as well as my hunting dog. I field hunt with her more that going to ground. She has track down shot deer for me and it is this style of hunting I bought her for. As a 8 wk pup, she never took her nose of the ground. You can hide nothing on her but she finds it. So I want to make sure she isn't at risk of re-breaking it later.


Big Dog :good:

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