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Permission/Rough Shoot Wanted in or Around West Yorkshire

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I am hoping to find a permission,rough shoot and pest control in the West Yorkshire area


I have recently returned to shooting after a break of some 25 years, the break was enforced by building a business and bringing up my children . I am 47 years old and fully insured with a mature attitude and a sound awareness and respect for the sport and my surroundings , I have recently treated myself to and Air Arms S410 which comes highly reccommended for pest control.

Ulitimately I also miss the excersise and the fresh air as much as anything and this is a fantastic benefit of the sport and much more fun than a gym! I do have a permission but unfortunately it is on a friends farm in Devon and as much as I love it down there it is quite a treck.


All and any offers would be very much appreciated and considered





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