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pigeons not decoying


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went out yesterday on a rape field but same as everywhere else, its 3 foot high, so went to the end of it and found it was getting hammered just as it met a potato field, walked up the field and fetched about 200 birds off so got the gear out and set up, we tried everything from the magnet to the flapper, fuds, differant patterns, bouncers, but they just would not commit, there were guns going off all round us and they were very weary so after a couple of hours watching the flight line we packed up and just took the flapper and a few fuds and got in the corner of the potato field where the birds were crossing, ended with 3 crows and 4 pigeons, enjoyable day as we saw lots of wildlife including low level buzzards getting mobbed by crows, a good few greylags came over us low and a few curlews in the field, but best of all just as we were leaving a massive owl left the wood and crossed in front off us, can only presume it was an eagle owl that had escaped as it was far too big for anything else.

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