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At last an end to the blanks!


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In my quest to rid cornwall of the evil that is the grey squirrel I had forgotten about the joys of early morning rabbit stalking, so after spending the best part of 15 hours lying around in the woods to shoot nothing I thought it was time to go and see what my stalking was like. I arrived at my permission at fist light and stalked into the yard and popped my head over the wall, there were 2 feeding so I rested on a gate post, thinking "this is easy!" and completely missed, forgetting I was zeroed for 45 yards and the bunny was only 15 yards away. The missed shot seemed to spook everything within 2 miles, even though my hw100 is quieter than a gnats ****, so after giving myself a telling off I moved into the next field, stalked down the hedge and popped my head over the gate where there was a rabbit looking straight at me, he hopped off across the field stopping just before his hole, at 45 yards it was a fatal mistake!




As i was taking the picture I could hear magpies making a racket, I didnt take much notice as they were on other land but when I was "sorting" the rabbit a magpie landed in the tree above me, no more than 6 feet away! I tried to get my gun but but it was hung up on the fence but I though it would be worth giving it ten minutes to see if they came back so tucked myself away into the holly. After 5 minutes I could hear them again, then I could see 5 maggies bouncing down the trees towards me. They got to within 60 yards and i raised my gun one of them perched nicely for me on the top of a budleiah, at 50 yards I took the shot and it fell backwards to the ground, the rest were very unhappy but wouldnt stay still long enough for a shot. When i went and collected it iI realised it was a young on so I will be going back to try for the rest! Any tips to get them would be appreciated!


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Bait is always a good move as the greedy so and so's lose their fear/flight reflex when tucking into goodies. Had a couple in the garden last year with old hen's eggs. Early morning and got window open - usually they fly off at the first sound/sight of anything moving. Have been laid up with Achilles tendon surgey since Dec last year so have not been able to drop any more. Need to zero Mrs gun's gamo ASAP so she can get back in the pest control groove. We had a squizzer outbreak last year and she beat me 7 to 1. Maggies are starting to increase in numbers so need to get on top of them again.

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