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Ferret Kits For Sale


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Alright lads.


Got some ferret kits for sale


Both litters have the same hob but two different jills.


The hob is an Albino thats fairly big but nothing special really.


The jills, one is a silvery polecat thats fairly small and the other is a sandy polecat thats even smaller that the 1st jill.


All the ferrets are very well handled and are good workers, not skulking or ******* around from them. Used them towards the end of the season because i got given them then from a very good friend.


All in all there is 15 kits that are approx 4 weeks old now, havent looked how many of what sex they are but if you want a specific type and sex drop me a PM


I am located near Aberaeron, West Wales. Would like to have £10 a kit! PM if you are interested lads and ladies. They will be ready when 12 weeks of age


1st Pis if the HOB

2nd is the bigger Jill

3rd is the smaller Jill




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