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First outing with the shotgun for a while.


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After a busy couple of days I managed to wangle an hour or so out of the house so instead of packing the HW100 as usual I decided it was time to give the rizzini an airing. I got to the permission and let the land owner know I was there, I dont usually bother but as I had the shotgun I thought it only polite, so after the catch up chat I headed off. I got into the first field where the grass was ridiculously long and all I could see were little white tails and rustling grass, I wasn't comfortable taking any shots. I got into the gateway of the next field and spotted a carrion crow sat at the top of a tree, it didnt do the usual and clear off so I tucked myself into the hedge and slowly made my way down to where it was and noticed another two yonger ones, I took my time and the adult made the mistake of getting into the nest, I gave it both barrels! The other two were flying but not too well so I followed up with both of them shortly after. I carried on in to the next field and heard some magpies in a holly tree in the far corner so I was back into stalking mode, I made my way up to the tree where they were still cackling away but could not see any. After ten minutes of waiting I got impatient so took the risk of throwing a stone into the holly tree, four flew out and one came down! Chuffed with myself and at the end of my permission i headed for home, just before I unloaded and sleeved the gun I went to take a picture and spotted a rabbit, at the same second he bolted but was not quick enough and folded up into the hedge.




The other crow was stuck in the nest.

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