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Lead content of foodstuffs

Terry P

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Theres an interesting article in the new basc mag about the amount of lead contained in foodstuffs that we eat, its a real eye opener.

In research done by the European Food Safety Authority it shows thar potoatoes contribute 70 times more to total lead exposure tham game meat. Theres less lead in game meat than eggs,cereal,tea and even chocolate.

It also states theres no evidence to claim theres even a difference between the risks of exposure to lead to vegitarians or meat eaters.

As a parent I was shocked to read that if my kids eat their recommended 5 friut or veg a day and drink a litre of tap water they will take in double the recommended threshold for lead, so clearly it connot be that bad.

If also goes onto explain why it thinks WWT have done the dirty as they have and I reackon once the dust settles the wwt are gonna look like a right bunch of scare mongering nuggets.

Could BASC not knock out a leaflet or a few newspaper reports about the true lead content of foodstuffs we eat and rubbish the claims of WWT, i'd gladly hand them out in my area.

Its all well and good putting it your mag but in that your informing people that already agree with your aims.

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