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Unfortunately I think everybody has been given the wrong information about this land. The land in question is not SSSI land but has been given a higher rating (but I can't remember what this rating is sorry).

Phil the land we shot on for the geese, is SSSI land (but this was a different area) the farmer has been to court and won the rights to shoot geese on his land.


The land you refer to with the ponds and the hides for the twitchers on belongs to Hamilton Oil which the farmer has only rented for the last 2-3years. The farmer in question is not allowed to go onto the land 2 hours either side of high tide because it is protected for the wadeing birds - to allow them safehaven during high water.

When this land was taken over by the farmer Hamilton Oil requested to meet with whoever did his pest control, namely myself and Ian, which we attended and hour interview with them.


They made it very clear that under no circumstances would they allow any shooting of any form on this land, their insurance would not cover such practice because:

1 It's a nature reserve

2. The land houses a gas terminal


I know that the farmer has a problem with these geese and is dealing with them within his limitations. Should shooting rights over this land become available, myself and Ian will be contacted by Hamilton Oil to discuss actions further.


Just be careful where you are shooting as Hamilton Oil has my contact details and I have given them my assurance that I won't shoot on their land. I have to give them 1 weeks notice prior to taking up any pest control duties on that land.

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Hi Shawn the land that's SSSI is land that I've acquired through work up near Wrexham, not point of air. I've seen the farmer again today and he's not a happy bloke about the whole thing. I no the score with with our local place and am being careful where I shoot hence the question.

To be honest with you though I didn't know that where we go was SSSI, learn something new every day.

Rest assure I won't be going anywhere I'm not meant to be and getting anyone, including myself into any trouble.

Hope your well buddy

P.s. how's the foxing going?

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