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do they do this where you work?


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Try working in education - we are assessed all the time with senior members of staff dropping in to random lessons unannounced a couple of times a week; formal lesson observations; detailed analysis of results where statistically insignificant differences acquire apparently monumental significance; OFSTED inspectors of varying incompetence making or breaking the reputation of a school; your ultimate boss continually making public statements about how **** we all are and how much better it was when he was at Eton....


Fortunately I am old and grumpy enough to let most of it wash over me and I love teaching as much now as I ever did. It also helps to know that if it all did get too much I could tell them to stick it and walk away.



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Like some have said, a skills matrix can be used for a number of reasons, both positive and negative dependant on what it will eventually be used for, on point of fact you say that this was probably not meant for your eyes, if it was marked private and confidential then be carefull about talking about it to senior managment,

also the bradford index score is used to monitor abcense in a rolling period of time.




but... the last time a skills matrix was used where i used to work, it was used in an assesment for redundancies. so have a chat with your union rep and see wht the crack is.


Good luck.



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